Driving recovery is the focus of FT’s upcoming Leadership Conference | Bill McLoughlin

There is little argument that the furniture business is a struggle right now. Interest rates remain a constraint on housing activity as well as on those big-ticket purchases, such as furniture, that depend on easy access to credit.

Consumer traffic is as low as anyone can remember, and the rising cost of freight is fueling inflationary pressures at the exact time that lower prices would seem critical to reigniting consumer demand.

Every day brings the announcement of more store closings and the expectation of Chapter 11s to follow. Changing demographics and resulting changes in expectations around what constitutes a desirable work environment today confront leaders with challenges unprecedented in their work careers.

To help furniture retailers weather these challenges and position their organizations to come out stronger on the other side, Furniture Today has re-tooled its annual Leadership Conference. We’ve enlisted the aid of veteran retailers to serve as an advisory board and are working with them to ensure that conference content is on target and strongly actionable.

Our keynote this year, Alex Dorr, is an expert in “Reality Based Leadership,” a leadership approach that emphasizes the importance of facing and dealing with workplace realities rather than getting distracted by drama, excuses or emotional reactions.

It’s a philosophy built strongly on data-based decision making, continuous learning and addressing head-on the kinds of uncomfortable decisions that many leaders seek to avoid, particularly in difficult times.

Stay tuned for more Alex and Reality Based Leadership in the coming weeks.

We also recognize that today, more than ever, furniture retailers face severe and seemingly structural declines in consumer foot traffic. That means that every existing customer is critical, and understanding what it takes to attract and retain new customers is more important than ever.

To address this situation, Furniture Today Strategic Insights, the research arm of Furniture Today will conduct an exclusive consumer survey that explores what people like about shopping in furniture stores and, as importantly, what they don’t like.

This in-depth research, which goes beyond anything that’s been done in the category to date, will be presented and distributed at the conference and only at the conference. If you want the data, which would cost a company $25,000 or more to do on their own, it will be available to conference attendees for the price of a ticket.

Talk about discounts!

We’re also adding a second educational track to pack even more information into the traditional conference window. This will include sessions on merchandising, leveraging the power of designers and a fireside chat with Queer Eye television star Bobby Berk, a former retailer and interior designer who will share his insights on the changing face of home design.

This is just a small sample of what you’ll find at this year’s event, and more details will be released in the coming weeks.

This year’s Leadership Conference will be held Dec. 3-5 at the Naples Grande Beach Resort. Registration is already open, and rooms are filling up. Reserve now to hold your spot.

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