$8 Table Update With Wood Wick Fusion Mineral Paint

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Loving our Wood Wick Fusion Mineral Paint for this fun $8 find! Just what this little table needed! 

Hello sweet friends!

I’m sharing a lovely little piece I found at the ReStore last week… for $8!

Now, it wasn’t that exciting so I can imagine it got passed over by almost everyone. It was beat up a bit too so that was not helping its case! ha!
But I could see the beauty. Plus it had a cane shelf on the bottom and I just love that.

I used one of our new paint colors on this one and just love it! It’s a great color and it goes with everything.

$8 Table Update with Wood Wick Fusion Mineral Paint

Here is the table as I found it.

red and black table

Red and black and all kinds of nicks and dings.

Piper girl had to come to check it out.

red and black table with gray and white dog

She’s growing like a weed! Still a tiny little thing though. She is absolutely the sweetest girl!
Ryder is close by chewing on his bone. He couldn’t be bothered. lol
But he’s doing great!! Back to his old self and the scar is not really even visible anymore as the hair is growing back to cover it.



Anyway, back to the table, I lightly sanded it all over and cleaned it up with some TSP Alternative.
Then I used a little wood filler to fill some of the dings on the top. (all supplies used for this project are listed above in the gray box with links)

red top with wood filler spots

Sanded that once dry and cleaned it up to get ready for paint.


I pulled out our Wood Wick shade for this one. I had been wanting to try it on something for a while. It’s such a gorgeous color.

table painted in Wood Wick on blocks and dropcloth

Now, I had originally thought I’d removed those embellishment designs in the corners. However, I took the screws out and they are glued in…very well.

And I thought, I really don’t want to mess with that! Nope!

So they stayed. 

I painted the whole thing in the Wood Wick, 2 coats.

Then I thought I’d accent them in an off-white…again, nope!! haha!!

table with accents painted white

Did not love making those stand out at all.

And next, I painted the bottom cane shelf in the same color. Loved it!
I had thought I’d make the outer edge off-white too.

table with part white edge not finished

Did you guess it?? Again, nope!!

I really, really liked the clean look of the Wood Wick alone. And only have the cane shelf below in the lighter off-white shade.
By the way, I mixed up Parchment and Wood Wick, 50/50 to get that shade.

table on blocks paint in wood wick with white bottom cane shelf

So I had to paint over my “nopes” but look at this pretty little thing now. I just love the clean look of it.

Even my husband walked by after and said, oh, I’m glad you didn’t do the white. Looks better like that! lol

table on rug painted in wood wick with cane shelf and couch behind it

I am glad I didn’t accentuate those accents in the corners or on the top. Looks so good all one color.
Sometimes less really is more!

wood wick table in front of couch

Love that shelf below. That’s the only accent this table needed.

And wow, didn’t these colors completely change the look of this table?!

table with book and flowers on top by couch

Rug info is here.

I actually really like how it looks in here but this one is not staying.

tan couch with table decorated

Let me show you the steps we have for Piper to get on the couch. She’s not spoiled at all. 😉

tan couch with little dog standing on it and steps by couch for dog

Isn’t she the cutest little thing?

close up of little dog on tan couch

We all just love her. Ryder adores her too. They are the best of pals. (I post them both often over on Instagram, my ACR account, and on Instagram, their account)

And look at this cool shot I got. She was looking up at me and before my camera could finish taking the shot, she moved! Of course!! haha! She’s always be bopping from here to there.

little dog on rug see through photo

Anyway, back to the table

pretty little table decorated in front of couch

See that lovely sheen the Wood Wick Fusion Mineral Paint leaves? There is no need to add a topcoat to this paint but you can for extra durability.
I chose not to topcoat this one. Love that and it makes it so easy with updates too.

bottom cane shelf

So much different than when it was black and red.

pretty table and couch

It’s got a new lease on life now!

PIN it to save it!

Loving our Wood Wick Fusion Mineral Paint for this fun $8 find! Just what this little table needed! artsychicksrule.com

See? You just never know what something can look like! How great is this deal? Can’t beat $8 for a pretty new furniture piece like this.

What do you think? Should I have done the white accents or no? Loving the Wood Wick Fusion Mineral Paint shade as much as I do?

Have an amazing weekend, friends!


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